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  • ALPHA - Ultra Potent Natural Hormone Optimizer
  • HARD - Advanced Recomposition & Hardening Agent
  • TEST - Healthy Testosterone Support
  • PROSTATE - Comprehensive Support for Healthy Prostate Function
  • 5-AT - Harden / Recomp / Restore

ALPHA - Ultra Potent Natural Hormone Optimizer

Unleash your inner ALPHA male with the ultra-potent Core ALPHA!

Core ALPHA is an all-natural, innovative product featuring ingredients backed by numerous clinical studies. Core ALPHA’s ingredients are all-natural and powerful, providing a safe and effective way to support healthy hormone function and balance.

  • 2 capsules per serving.
  • 28 servings per container.
  • Hormone balance.

Core Nutritionals has been known to produce some of the best healthy hormone support supplements on the market. Our extensive in-house research and multiple blood analyses utilizing our own formulations have indicated significant improvements in all studied metrics over an 8-week trial period. Core Nutritionals natural hormone support arsenal includes products to help you manage and adapt to stresses, support healthy testosterone, as well as improve overall quality of life. To add to that arsenal, Core Nutritionals is proud to present to you Core ALPHA!

Core ALPHA is an all-natural, innovative product featuring ingredients backed by numerous clinical studies. Core ALPHA’s ingredients are not only all-natural but powerful – providing a range of ingredients to support healthy hormone function and balance. As with all Core Nutritionals’ products, Core ALPHA’s ingredients are included in a non-proprietary blend featuring clinical servings, so you know exactly what you are supplementing.

Unleash your inner ALPHA male with the ultra-potent Core ALPHA!

HARD - Advanced Recomposition & Hardening Agent

To be hard, you need to get HARD. It's that simple.

Core HARD is the pinnacle in recomposition supplementation. The ingredients in HARD have been specifically chosen to balance your hormonal environment and maximize your lean muscle mass.

  • 3 capsules per serving.
  • 28 servings per container.
  • Body recomposition.

Your diet is impeccable and couldn’t be any more in check – macros, micros, you have it all down. Your workouts and exercise plan? Get out of here! You have slaved, grinded, and grunted your way through leg workouts so intense the gym staff cried – and those were on your worst days. And yet, something is missing.

It’s that “extra” level of shred, “that look.” You know exactly what we mean. That type of leanness and density that makes an arm look twice as big, a stomach look twice as lean, and a forearm look like a roadmap for the Italian countryside. It’s that kind of elusive hardness that’s so rare, most of us simply chalk it up to genetics, or luck, or anabolic steroids, or whatever excuse we have handy – and yet we all still want it. And that's what this body recomposition and hardening supplement provides. 

The reality is that it isn’t all that unattainable. Getting “that” look, “that” hardness, is about hormonal balance, optimization and body recomposition. It’s a matter of adding in that final piece of the puzzle that makes the entire picture come out perfectly.

To be hard, you need to get HARD. It’s that simple.

Core HARD is another product in the Core Nutritionals’ lineup to follow the basic, but indispensable principles that Core Nutritionals is slowly making an industry standard: create products with effective ingredients, in effective doses, in a non-proprietary formula. This time around, we have applied those principles to the problem of softness that we all despise and have developed the most advanced ultra-hardening and recomposition agent on the market.

Taking advantage of both the old and the new, Core Nutritionals has employed both modern, cutting-edge compounds and traditional herbs to create a balanced approach to delivering hardness. Key ingredients in Core HARD affect some of the body’s critical physiological pathways, combining sexiness and science in a single, non-proprietary formula. We have included five powerful ingredients into a full month's worth of stimulant free, recomposition goodness. The result? Reduced cortisol levels, healthy estrogen and hormone regulation, weight loss and lean muscle growth, increased measures of well-being, improved athletic performance, stamina and power.

Core HARD can be used alone, or in a stack with other Core Nutritionals’ products. The BURN HARD stack (Core HARD plus Core BURN) will be the ultimate fat blasting and hardening stack. Men can try the HARD A.B.s stack (Core HARD plus Core ALPHA and Core BURN) to help create that chiseled look that all men want.

PROSTATE - Comprehensive Support for Healthy Prostate Function

From an early age, men are taught to associate their virility, potency, and vigor with their sense of masculinity. Yet, as we age, the vital systems and metabolic pathways that help us maintain that virility slowly begin to decline. For some, this is an unavoidable part of aging that should be handled with grace and acceptance. For others, such as those living the Crush It lifestyle, this akin to meekly accepting defeat when other options are available. You see, it is critical to maintain a healthy, normal prostate function. While aging makes maintaining this function increasingly difficult, there are robust supplement regimens that can assist in promoting proper prostate health and function.  

While many supplements singularly focus on an individual ingredient, this oversimplified single ingredient approach ignores the complexity of this multi-faceted issue – an issue that undoubtedly requires a multi-faceted solution. So, in line with the product development philosophy we’ve maintained at Core Nutritionals since our inception, we’ve elevated a product category and delivered a comprehensive prostate health formula suitable to such a complex and significant issue. By scouring the available clinical research, we’ve found a veritable constellation of ingredients that address every major pathway involved in the promotion of a healthy prostate. And, with that, we give you the premier solution for maintaining an optimal functioning prostate: Core PROSTATE!  

TEST - Healthy Testosterone Support

If you don’t know your best yet, you’ll certainly know it when Core TEST helps you reach it.

We’ve scoured the literature and eventually created a formula packed with effective ingredients targeting multiple pathways of healthy testosterone support. This is the best, most comprehensive, multi-pathway testosterone support product on the market.

  • 1 scoops per serving.
  • 28 servings per container.
  • Healthy testosterone support.


Being at your best, your peak, isn’t a subjective state of mind or a feeling one has – it’s a physiological state, a confluence of metabolic factors that result in the best, most peak, most alpha version of you stepping out into the world and into the gym every day. Are you doing what’s necessary to be there?

If not, then Core has your back with the newest evolution in healthy testosterone and male support: Core TEST. By now, you already know the drill: we take the best ingredients, backed by clinical research, and include them in serving sizes actually reflected in the literature. Core TEST is no different.

We’ve scoured the literature, alpha and beta tested more formulas than you can count, and eventually created a formula packed with actually effective ingredients targeting multiple pathways of healthy testosterone support. Calcium DAA, one of the best known support supplements on the market, backed by clinical research in humans. KSM66, an ingredient with a long history of use in traditional medicine now backed by an unimpeachable record of cortisol reduction, healthy testosterone support, and hormone optimization. We could’ve given you KSM66 and left it at that – the ingredient is that good. But we didn’t. We included Bulbine natalensis, Tongkat Ali, and a potent estrogen modulator in Pine extract to cap off the savagery. This is the best, most comprehensive, multi-pathway testostone support product on the market.

All in all, we have created a formula that you’ll know is working. If you don’t know your best yet, you’ll certainly know it when Core TEST helps you reach it.

ALPHA - Ultra Potent Natural Hormone Optimizer

Scientific breakdown:

N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA): D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an amino acid that is found naturally in several endocrine glands, including the testes and pituitary. While the correlation between DAA and testosterone production has been clinically documented, research indicates several possible mechanisms for these effects. It’s likely that DAA acts as a neuromodulator influencing several pathways that govern the reproductive system, particularly testosterone production. Some studies indicate that DAA’s concentrated presence in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testes identify this protein as an up-regulator of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH), growth hormone (GH), and testosterone. Some studies have found that DAA also stimulates a protein called StAR. StAR is necessary for the cholesterol transport in the cell that is needed for testosterone production. Further, its role in modulating the sexual drive implicates DAA assists nootropic activity, supporting healthy levels of dopamine and serotonin. Balanced levels of dopamine and serotonin have a range of significant benefits.

To improve on D-aspartic acid we have instead incorporated N-methyl-D-aspartate (NDMA) into the Core ALPHA formula. DAA is converted into NMDA, which is a potent stimulator of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor pathway. By directly stimulating this pathway, NMDA is needed only in small doses unlike DAA’s higher dose requirements. In fact, NMDA elicits its hormone releasing action at concentrations approximately 100-fold lower than DAA. Thus, at a 30 mg dose, NMDA, shows promise to support an optimal balance of hormones.

Brassaiopsis glomerulata leaf extract (10:1): Brassaiopsis glomerulata is a large shrub of the Araliaceae family that occurs in south and Southeast Asia. Throughout Asia, this plant is used to treat rheumatism and back pain, aid in digestion, and treat bone fractures in traditional medicinal systems (TMS). Despite its many medicinal uses, the most interesting aspect of the leaves of Brassaiopsis glomerulata is their ability to reduce the activity of aromatase. Studies show that multiple components of a Brassaiopsis glomerulata leaf extract are capable of aromatase inhibition. The addition of this 10:1 extract in Core ALPHA, along with the 3D7K, gives this product a one-two punch at supporting a healthy estrogen balance.

Mucuna pruriens seed extract (50% L-dopa): Mucuna pruriens is one of the popular medicinal plants of India and is known to contain various beneficial nutritional compounds. The main nutrient found in Mucuna pruriens is L-dopa, which acts as a natural source of dopamine. Prolactin is a hormone released by the pituitary gland, which is believed to exert anti-androgenic effects in men.. Mucuna pruriens’ ability to support healthy dopamine levels may significantly reduce the release of prolactin hormone by the pituitary glands offering powerful benefits. In addition, clinical evidence suggests that Mucuna pruriens not only supports healthy growth hormone levels but also contains naturally occurring serotonin precursors to support mood, memory, and overall well-being. Clinically shown to support optimal balance of growth hormone, prolactin, serotonin and other beneficial hormones, Mucuna pruriens may also assist healthy weight management and stress support.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol): Vitamin D3 is an essential hormone precursor that plays a vital role in many metabolic functions, including bone health, , support for immune and blood pressure health, lean body mass, and weight management). Clinical trials have even linked Vitamin D3 with an increase in overall health and well-being. Although some foods contain vitamin D, the human body generates most of its vitamin D needs from the skin through regular exposure to sunlight. Severe vitamin D deficiency is a significant and widespread problem, especially in North America. In addition to its well-known properties for supporting bone density and strength and general inflammatory response, Cholecalciferol is included in Core ALPHA because studies have shown that higher levels of vitamin D in men are correlated with higher levels of circulating testosterone.

Zinc (as zinc aspartate): Zinc deficiency is prevalent throughout the entire world, including the United States. Both severe and moderate zinc deficiencies are positively correlated with lower testosterone levels in men. And while zinc deficiency has been shown to lower your testosterone levels, zinc supplementation has been correlated with an increase in testosterone levels. Clinical research indicates that zinc deficiency reduces circulating luteinizing hormone and testosterone concentrations, may lower healthy levels of aromatase (increasing estrogen levels), and modifies sex steroid hormone receptor levels, thereby contributing to unhealthy hormone balance and male sexual function. Zinc supplementation with the aspartate form can support optimal zinc absorption and hormone balance.


HARD - Advanced Recomposition & Hardening Agent

Physiological Properties and Effects:

Phosphatidylserine (50%)

Phosphatidylserine, colloquially known as PS, is a nearly ubiquitous phospholipid found in various membranous tissues throughout the body. PS’s ubiquity coincides with its necessity for crucial physiological functions, as the phospholipid is implicated in several components of cell communication, as well as the mediation of catecholamine synthesis and transmission in the brain (along with other neuroendocrine functions). In a fitness-related context, a nascent but growing body of methodologically-sound research suggests that PS may play a role in increasing exercise capacity.

Studies administering the compound in both acute and chronic fashion suggest that PS has a measurable effect on exercise capacity. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial involving 16 trained athletes, phosphatidylserine was administered for 10 days prior to an acute exercise challenge. Exercise markers such as exercise time to exhaustion, sprint performance, and ratings of perceived exertion, were measured post-exercise. The authors found that exercise time to exhaustion was significantly altered. Related studies using similar serving sizes have found that chronic PS administration increased shot accuracy in golfers, increased exercise time to exhaustion by 28% in cyclists, and reduced subjective feelings of stress and soreness in others.

Overall, phosphatidylserine appears to play a valuable role in the increase in exercise capacity. PS may therefore play a critical role in the continued exercise success of bodybuilders in a, “cutting” or recomposition stage.

KSM-66® Full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract (5% Withanolides)

Withania somnifera Dunal, colloquially known as Winter Cherry or Indian Ginseng, is an herb that features prominently in the traditional Indian medicinal system of Ayurveda. Known as Ashwagandha in Ayurveda, Withania somnifera is a critical ingredient in various Ayurvedic tonics and tinctures prepared as a traditional remedy for the treatment of various ailments.

Recently identified as a potent adaptogenic and target for therapeutic applications, Ashwaghanda has been the subject of numerous animal, pre-clinical, and clinical trials designed to examine its potential effects as an antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anxiolytic, antibacterial, antifungal, and immonumodulating compound. Ashwaghanda’s broad therapeutic potential is hypothesized to be the result of its robust phytochemical profile, including a wide swath of alkaloids, sitoindosides, and the highly biologically active withanolide group. As the principally biologically active compounds within Ashwaghanda, withanolides such as withanone, withaferine A, withanolides A, D, and G have been identified, isolated, and extensively studied in the various applications noted above.

In recognition of the potential physiological benefits of withanolides, Core Nutritionals selected KSM-66® to include in its HARD formula. KSM-66® is a full-spectrum Ashwaghanda extract, standardized for 5% withanolides – meaning that KSM-66® not only includes the full range of biologically active compounds within Ashwaghanda, but also that it contains the highest currently available concentration of the principally active withanolides (5%).

The high concentrations of withanolides within KSM-66® has resulted in encouraging results in a number of human, clinical trials – particularly considering many of these trials were conducted using the methodological gold standard of randomization, double-blind delivery, and placebo control. Amongst the most impressive results contained in these trials:

  • A 27.9% reduction in serum cortisol levels, measured over 60 days in a trial featuring 64 chronically stressed adults.
  • Statistically significant increases to endurance and stamina, as measured by VO2 max, in a clinical trial featuring 50 healthy, exercise-trained adults.
  • Increased measures of well-being as reported by self-assessment scales, included in both the clinical trials mentioned above.
  • Statistically significant increases in serum testosterone levels in a clinical trial featuring 68 infertile men.

Though each of these results is impressive, perhaps the most significant is the 27.9% reduction in cortisol seen in the 60 day trial. As detailed above, cortisol possesses a multitude of potentially degradative physiological effects, including: inhibiting glucose uptake, causing a constriction of the vasculature (vasoconstriction), the breakdown of glycogen, and inarguably the result most would desire to avoid, proteolysis (the breakdown of muscle tissue).

To put it the simplest way possible, cortisol’s chief functions involve either turning on, or shutting off, the very things we as fitness enthusiasts want to avoid or turn on, respectively!


Cocoabuterol®, made up of the bioactive compounds found in cocoa, has been shown through studies and application to have beneficial factors on fat loss, muscle building, and insulin sensitivity. This caffeine free ingredient exhibits a mechanism of action in the body to increase cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) levels, which acts as a second messenger and regulator of many movements exhibited by all three types of cells in the human body. In this context, fat (adipose) tissue epinephrine utilizes cAMP to increase to triglyceride hydrolysis and cardiac (heart) muscle epinephrine utilizes it to increase contraction rate. This action can have positive benefits on body composition and performance.

Theobromine, one of the main methylxanthine compounds found in cocoa is primarily effective in the increase of nitric oxide to in the blood stream, which is beneficial to produce the “pump” when ingested pre-workout. Another reaction that can be seen with theobromine is dilation of blood vessels. This can increase blood flow during vigorous exercise leading to increased time to exhaustion but also can pose benefits to individuals who suffer from high blood pressure. Theobromine also has a very high bioavailability and ability to stay in the body for extended periods of time (7-8 hours). Several studies have also looked at the effects of theobromine on human subjects and results have shown its ability to reduce oxidative stress on cells and regulation of gene expression.

Cocoabuterol® has also been shown to have positive benefits on reducing oxidative stress in the body. Due to its rich antioxidant properties, it has the ability to fight off free radicals that can be detrimental. In addition to this, the polyphenols that Cocoabuterol® contains have been shown to reduce inflammatory signals within the body that can also be detrimental biomarkers.

By now you have read some of the amazing benefits of Cocoabuterol® and why we have included in this recomposition agent. When your goal is maintaining muscle mass, shedding body fat, reducing overall stress, and performing at your peak, we make sure you are equipped with the right ingredients, in the right dosages, and for the right purpose. In summary, Cocoabuterol® does all of these things by:

  • Increasing power output due to elevated NO production via theobromine effects.
  • Increasing adipose usage through cAMP action in the body.
  • Improving senses of well-being due to high levels of polyphenols and antioxidants reducing overall stress on the body from workouts and life events.

3,3'-Diindolylmethane (DIM)

What we typically refer to as “Estrogen,” is in fact a group of three biologically distinct hormones – estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), and estriol (E3), each possessing different activities in different cell, tissue, and receptor types. When experts refer to either the benefits or downfalls of “estrogen," they really mean to (but probably cannot) identify a specific estrogen.

These specific estrogens, in turn, metabolize into even more specific estrogen sub-compounds, such as the 2-hydroxyestrogens (2-OHE’s), 2-methoxyestrogens, 16a-hydroxyestrone (16-OHE1), and 4-hydroxyestrogens (4-OHE’s). As their parent estrogens, these estrogen metabolites exert different effects depending upon the tissue and cell one is examining. In fact, two estrogen metabolites in particular, 16-OHE1 and 2-OHE, have such contrasting cellular activities that 2-OHE is an estrogen antagonist. Yes, that is correct: there is an anti-estrogen, estrogen.

In recent years, so-called “phytonutrients” have become the focus of clinical research, as these natural compounds have shown the ability to increase the ratio of good, estrogen decreasing estrogens (such as 2-OHE), to bad, estrogen increasing estrogens (such as 16-OHE1). One of these phytonutrients, a dietary indole known as indole-3-carbinol (I3C), is the bioactive phytochemical and a presumed modulator of reduced cancer risk in areas with high cruciferous vegetable consumption. Unfortunately, despite its potent antiestrogenic activity, I3C is highly molecularly unstable, and therefore unsuitable for use as a therapeutic agent or dietary supplement.

Luckily, however, I3C readily metabolizes into the secondary indole 3,3’ diindolylmethane, or DIM for short. When used in a supplemental fashion in clinical trials, DIM appears to possess all the positive effects of its parent compound with respect to antiestrogenic action – promoting the metabolism of beneficial estrogens that themselves reduce estrogenic activity.

Aside from its healthy-estrogen promoting abilities, DIM also exerts its own direct physiological effects, including:

  • Promoting pathways of internal estrogen metabolism that favour the production of anti-estrogen estrogens.
  • Adjusting the activity of certain cytochrome enzymes, reducing the activity at the estrogen receptor site.
  • Limit the cell division and growth of certain estrogens.

Despite the bodybuilding community’s single-minded crusade to eliminate estrogen wherever it lie in wait, compounds such as DIM show us that estrogen is a very diverse set of compounds – and that we should actively pursue increasing certain estrogens that have beneficial, and ironically, anti-estrogenic effects


Though the literature surrounding L-theanine is still emerging, the amino acid is slowly building a reputation as one of the most interesting and exciting compounds being targeted for therapeutic use. L-theanine is an amino acid found almost exclusively in tea, constituting approximately 1-2% of the dry weight of tea – resulting in a 25–60 mg theanine load per 200 ml serving of liquid tea.

First identified in green tea and in the mushroom Xerocomus badius, L-theanine readily crosses the blood-brain barrier in a dose-dependent manner, and it is thought to influence the central nervous system (CNS) through a variety of mechanisms, including:

  • Increasing the release and concentration of dopamine.
  • Inhibiting glutamate reuptake and blockade of glutamate receptors in the hippocampus.
  • Increasing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA – a neurotransmitter associated with the regulation of responses) concentrations.
  • Increasing levels of serotonin.

In addition to these more well-demonstrated effects, emerging electroencephalography trials on theanine suggest that the amino acid may exert a positive effect on alpha waves – a type of brain wave implicated in restful relaxation. Alpha activity has also been associated with increased creativity, increased performance under stress, and improved learning and concentration, as well as decreased anxiety.


PROSTATE - Comprehensive Support for Healthy Prostate Function

Pumpkin Seed Oil Powder (Cucurbita pepo)

Pumpkin seed has been used in the medical treatment realm for decades, especially for its noted benefits towards prostate health improvement. The fatty acids contained in pumpkin seeds, especially delta-7-sterols, tocopherols, and other micronutrients have shown specific promise in optimizing normal prostate function. A 2014 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study looked at the effects of different administrations on subjects. Subjects were split and received either sweet potato starch, pumpkin seed oil, saw palmetto oil, and pumpkin seed oil with saw palmetto oil. What the results showed was that the group given pumpkin seed oil noticed improvements in quality of life and improvements in maximal urinary flow. These same improvements were also shown in the combined pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil group making them both reputable complimentary products that can benefit the health of the prostate.

One of the primary mechanisms of action for pumpkin seeds is to block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, inhibiting the enzyme 5-α-reductase. Dihydrotestosterone is classified as a powerful metabolite of testosterone with critical functions as an androgen. While androgens can be beneficial for men, when they get too high, they can negatively affect certain parts of the human body, including the prostate, leading to issues such as less than optimal prostate function. Maintaining normal levels of dihydrotestosterone in the prostate is therefore a paramount property to maintaining the normal function of the prostate.

Zinc is also critical to normal prostate function. In fact, a normal functioning prostate has the highest levels of zinc in the body. A 2011 human study found an increase in urinary zinc excretion. Pumpkin seeds are naturally high in zinc, leading to their consumption could be beneficial to extract their prostate health improving properties.

Saw Palmetto Extract (Serenoa repens) (fruit) (85% Total Fatty Acids)

Saw Palmetto is a traditional herb that grows in the Southern coastal regions of the United States that has been often used to maintain normal, healthy prostate function. Growth of the prostate is believed to happen through the action of 5α-reductase, which catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone binds to nuclear androgen receptors and activates the transcription of androgen-regulated genes that are mitogenic to both epithelial and stromal cells. Due to the fact that the development and growth of the prostate gland depend on androgen stimulation, the mechanisms of action of saw palmetto include several antiandrogenic effects, such as inhibition of 5α-reductase I and II and inhibition of binding of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to the cytosolic androgen receptors, anti-proliferative effects and anti-inflammatory effects. Several studies have shown that saw palmetto, and the mechanisms of action listed above may positively influence the prostate by helping to maintain its optimal size and function, which then equates to a healthy urinary flow and frequency.

Stinging Nettle Extract (Urtica dioica) (root) (20:1)

Stinging nettle has been widely used is traditional medicine for its benefits as a diuretic and to treat things like joint pain, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia. More recently, stinging nettle has been utilized for the purpose of maintaining normal urinary flow and contributing to a healthy, optimal functioning prostate. Stinging nettle has also showed effectiveness when used in combination with other herbs, like saw palmetto (above). Human studies have shown this effectiveness in these areas, like urinary flow maintenance, through their specific mechanisms of action, which were discussed in the paragraph above. The mechanism of action for stinging nettle is still somewhat unclear but it seems likely that sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), aromatase (the key enzyme in estrogen biosynthesis), epidermal growth factor and prostate steroid membrane receptors are involved in the anti-prostatic effect. While the mechanism of action may be unclear at the present moment, the success of stinging nettle in human studies makes it a promising application for maintaining normal prostate health and function.

          • Induce G1/S arrest of the cell cycle

          • Induce apoptosis
          • Inhibit angiogenesis Regulate sex hormones and
          • Increase antioxidant activity


Pygeum Bark Extract (Pygeum africanum) (3% Phytosterols)

The bark of Pygeum africanum, also known as the African prune tree native to tropical Africa, is a compound that has often been utilized for its benefits in maintaining prostate health. The mechanism of action for pygeum remains somewhat unclear. Studies utilizing pygeum bark have also shown promise in their benefits in support the maintenance of prostate health both in vitro and in vivo. In one in vitro study in particular, results showed that pygeum bark extract was able to inhibit the growth of PC-3 and LNCaP cells, as well as induce apoptosis and altered cell kinetics, and downregulated ERalpha and PKC-alpha protein. In vivo, utilizing TRAMP mice, the application of pygeum bark extract showed a significant reduction (35%) in prostate cancer incidence compared to mice fed another substance. Another analysis looking at 18 randomized controlled trials looked at the how pygeum africanum benefitted men and prostate health. Pygeum was shown to provide a large improvement in urinary function and flow measures when compared to other men in the study not administered pygeum. Men using pygeum africanum also noticed nocturia was reduced by 19%, residual volume of urine reduced by 24%, and peak urine flow increased by 23%. These results leave pygeum administration as a potentially beneficial application for those looking to maintain normal prostate function.

Beta-Sitosterol (40%)

β-sitosterol is the most abundant plant sterol in the human diet and is also the major component of several traditional medicines, including saw palmetto and devil’s claw. It is believed to help maintain prostate function by aiding in the and ease of urinary flow. A few studies have been conducted on BS effectiveness on urinary system function and flow with promising results. One randomized placebo-controlled study on men showed promising results on these issues. Results revealed that men administered β-sitosterol noticed a more efficient flow measure and increased prostate function. While β-sitosterol can benefit from more studies, the current studies show promise and ability to work in synergy with the other components of Core’s comprehensive prostate funtion formula.

Lycopene (Lycopersicon esculentum) (fruit)

Lycopene, a carotenoid found largely in tomato, pink grapefruit, and watermelon, is a natural and effective nutrient that has been able to show ability in supporting optimal prostate function. Several studies have been conducted showing lycopene’s effectiveness in maintaining this prostate function in both in-vivo and in-vitro conditions. Results of these studies showed that lycopene was able to inhibit prostatic IGF-I signaling, IL-6 expression, and androgen signaling. Lycopene was also able to show improvements in gap-junctional communication and oxidative defense genes, which can be essential for maintaining prostate function.

Boron (as Albion® Boroganic Glycine)

Boron is a mineral present in multiple fruits, vegetables, tubers, and drinking water, though it is not widely accepted as either an essential mineral or essential vitamin. Boron affects a few physiological functions in the body, particularly modulating hormonal homeostasis.

While still emerging, recent data suggest that boron may play a role in potentiating free testosterone levels in healthy men. In one study, otherwise healthy men were provided an acute serving of boron and had their free and total levels of testosterone, alone with SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels measured. In that study, total testosterone was unaltered, but free testosterone was enhanced by 14%, while SHBG was significantly (9%) reduced. Boron has also shown substantial evidence in playing a role in supporting normal prostate function, specifically through lowering PSA (prostate specific antigen), which can be a marker for prostate abnormality advancement. Other studies have shown the effectiveness of adequate boron levels on optimizing prostate health. One human study concluded that men who ingested the greatest amount of boron in their diet were 54% less likely to be at risk of prostate related issues when compared to the lowest intake.


5-AT - Harden / Recomp / Restore

Though DHEA’s properties have been well-established and understood for decades, derivatives and metabolites of DHEA have more recently been the subject of research in animals and humans – demonstrating effects that are, at times, many orders of magnitude more significant than the parent compound (up to 100x as potent!).

Like DHEA, cortisol is one of the body’s most abundant and important endogenous steroids. While detailing in full the expansive list of cortisol’s functions is impossible, we can generally say that cortisol’s role in the human body is to break down bodily tissue and nutrients for the purpose of energy provision (to be catabolic), to act as an immunosuppressive, and to regulate blood sugar. Cortisol fulfills these functions by inducing gluconeogenesis (the breakdown of non-glucose intermediates, such as amino acids in muscle tissue, into glucose) and glycogenolysis (the breakdown of glycogen into glucose), inhibiting peripheral glucose utilization, and inhibiting cell lines critical to the body’s immune response.

In less complex terms, we can simply say that cortisol is responsible for inhibiting many of the processes that we as fitness enthusiasts want to start, and for starting many of the processes that we want to inhibit. Cortisol plays a role in:

  • Preventing our muscle cells from uptaking glucose (inducing insulin resistance).
  • Preventing muscle protein synthesis.
  • The breakdown of glycogen (the compound responsible for that “full look”).
  • Suppressing the immune processes involved in muscle growth.

While these are necessary functions, their overexpression is precisely the opposite of what we want – in fact, certain trials in humans have shown that an increase in plasma cortisol within the physiologic range increases proteolysis (breakdown of proteins) and degrades whole body amino acid synthesis! That is bad, bad news.

Enter DHEA and its metabolite, androstenetriol. In emerging animal literature, both androstenetriol and its metabolites have been shown to possess very potent anti-glucocorticoid activity – remembering that cortisol is the parent compound for this group – and anti-immunosuppressive actions in a number of different tissue types. In fact, androstenetriol is one of the most potent anti-glucocorticoids the body produces – exerting almost unbelievable effects in certain pro-inflammatory cell lines.


TEST - Healthy Testosterone Support

Physiological Properties and Effects:

Calcium D-Aspartic Acid

D-Aspartic Acid, the d isomer form of the amino acid aspartate, is an amino acid that is found naturally in several endocrine glands, including the testes and pituitary. While the correlation between DAA and testosterone production has been clinically documented, research indicates several possible mechanisms for these effects.

It’s likely that DAA acts as a neuromodulator influencing several pathways that govern the reproductive system, particularly testosterone production. Some studies indicate that DAA’s concentrated presence in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testes identify this protein as an up-regulator of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH), growth hormone (GH), and testosterone. Some studies have found that DAA also stimulates a protein called StAR. StAR is necessary for the cholesterol transport in the cell that is needed for testosterone production. Further, its role in modulating the sexual drive implicates DAA assists nootropic activity, supporting health levels of dopamine and serotonin. Balanced levels of dopamine and serotonin have a range of significant benefits.

The existing research in human males suggests these mechanisms of action have plausible, real world activity. A six-month trial in average men, for example, saw increases to circulating testosterone of 30-60%. The increase over baseline persisted for the entirety of the trial in certain subjects, suggesting that DAA does not lose its effects over time or with repeated administration.

KSM-66® Full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract (5% Withanolides)

Withania somnifera Dunal, colloquially known as Winter Cherry or Indian Ginseng, is an herb that features prominently in the traditional Indian medicinal system of Ayurveda. Known as Ashwagandha in Ayurveda, Withania somnifera is a critical ingredient in various Ayurvedic tonics and tinctures prepared as a traditional remedy for the treatment of various ailments.

Recently identified as a potent adaptogenic and target for therapeutic applications, Ashwaghanda has been the subject of numerous animal, pre-clinical, and clinical trials designed to examine its potential effects as an antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anxiolytic, antibacterial, antifungal, and immonumodulating compound. Ashwaghanda’s broad therapeutic potential is hypothesized to be the result of its robust phytochemical profile, including a wide swath of alkaloids, sitoindosides, and the highly biologically active withanolide group. As the principally biologically active compounds within Ashwaghanda, withanolides such as withanone, withaferine A, withanolides A, D, and G have been identified, isolated, and extensively studied in the various applications noted above.

In recognition of the potential physiological benefits of withanolides, Core Nutritionals selected KSM-66® to include in its HARD formula. KSM-66® is a full-spectrum Ashwaghanda extract, standardized for 5% withanolides – meaning that KSM-66® not only includes the full range of biologically active compounds within Ashwaghanda, but also that it contains the highest currently available concentration of the principally active withanolides (5%).

The high concentrations of withanolides within KSM-66® has resulted in encouraging results in a number of human, clinical trials – particularly considering many of these trials were conducted using the methodological gold standard of randomization, double-blind delivery, and placebo control. Amongst the most impressive results contained in these trials:

  • A 27.9% reduction in serum cortisol levels, measured over 60 days in a trial featuring 64 chronically stressed adults.
  • Statistically significant increases to endurance and stamina, as measured by VO2 max, in a clinical trial featuring 50 healthy, exercise-trained adults.
  • Increased measures of well-being as reported by self-assessment scales, included in both the clinical trials mentioned above.
  • Statistically significant increases in serum testosterone levels in a clinical trial featuring 68 infertile men.

Though each of these results is impressive, perhaps the most significant for Core TEST is a study involving KSM66® and testosterone. 46 male patients were treated with KSM66® or placebo for 90 days, with measurements of serum hormone levels taken at the end of the 90 day treatment. The study established that 675mg of KSM66 over 90 days had a statistically significant impact on healthy testosterone production in males, as compared to placebo. The same study also found an increase in healthy production of LH (luteinizing hormone), suggesting that KSM66’s method of action is at the pituitary level.

To put it the simplest way possible, cortisol’s chief functions involve either turning on, or shutting off, the very things we as fitness enthusiasts want to avoid or turn on, respectively!

Bulbine natalensis (stem) Extract (10:1)

Bulbine natalensis is a herb endemic to Southern African that has historically been used as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine preparations. Recent animal research has demonstrated that the herb has healthy testosterone supporting effects in rats and may also elicit positive effects on cognition.

While Bulbine natalensis’ method of action is not certain, research conducted on rats suggests its testosterone-support functions stem from an increase in LH (luteinizing hormone). Luteinizing hormone is a hormone released by the pituitary gland to signal the Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone. The animal trial demonstrating an increase in LH also demonstrated an increase in rat testosterone levels at 14 days. The study revealed an increase in circulating testosterone of 40%.

In these same trials, an aqueous extract of the herb was found to dose-dependently lower estrogen levels in male rats. Research has not established whether the estrogen-lowering effects of Bulbine natalensis are a cause or consequence of its ability to support healthy testosterone levels.

Eurycoma longifolia (root) Extract (100:1)

The name Eurycoma longifolia is probably familiar to most within the bodybuilding and fitness community, as it has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac supplement. Also known as Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Ginsgeng, and Longjack, the herb is found in temperate regions of SouthEast Asia and has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac in medicinal systems local to those regions.

Western research has begun to establish that Eurycoma longifolia’s does in fact have an effect on libido, at least in animal trials. Trials in rats have demonstrated Tongkat Ali increased measures of sexuality (mounting frequency, latency to ejaculation and partner selection), while in vitro assays have identified pro-erectile bioactive compounds.

Though more research is required to establish Tongkat’s aphrodisiac and/or pro-erectile effects in humans, the existing animal research is fairly consistent in suggesting the herb’s effects in these areas.

Pine Extract (rosin) (97% abieta-8,11,13-trien-18-oic acid)

Abieta-8,11,13-trien-18-oic acid, more commonly known as Dehydroabietc acid or DHAA, is a terprene compound isolated from several plants and trees, including certain species of Pine. Certain assays have also isolated DHAA from resin of Commiphora myrrha.

While limited in amount, the research that exists on DHAA is promising. Prior to discussing this research, it may be useful to explain the research term IC50. IC50 is a measurement in estrogenic assays that describes the amount of a given aromatase-inhibiting compound needed to reduce half (or 50%) of the aromatase enzyme. The aromatase enzyme, in turn, is the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to estrogen. The prescription drug Formestane, for example, has an IC50 value of 0.6 mu – with a lower value indicating a more potent compound. (The less compound needed to reduce aromatase by 50%, the more powerful it is).

DHAA’s IC50 value – according to the available research – is 0.3 mu, suggesting that it has potent activity against the aromatase enzyme. While the research exhibiting DHAA’s precise IC50 value is in vitro, animal research does exist to suggest a practical, real-world effect. Agricultural studies in fish examining DHAA as an environmental factor suggest that DHAA significantly and level-dependently reduces circulating estrogen in certain fish species.


ALPHA - Ultra Potent Natural Hormone Optimizer


HARD - Advanced Recomposition & Hardening Agent


PROSTATE - Comprehensive Support for Healthy Prostate Function


5-AT - Harden / Recomp / Restore


TEST - Healthy Testosterone Support


ALPHA - Ultra Potent Natural Hormone Optimizer

HARD - Advanced Recomposition & Hardening Agent

PROSTATE - Comprehensive Support for Healthy Prostate Function


5-AT - Harden / Recomp / Restore

TEST - Healthy Testosterone Support

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