Do you feel you have busier life then most? If you are like me I'm always either coming or going from the gym. Many people that I talk with say that it is hard to stay on track with healthy meals and workouts when they are busy with their work schedules, children, and life.
I feel if you mange and plan ahead you could save hours of wasted time, missed workouts, late night binging, and naughty vending machine snacking. If you are on the go like I am try some of these fitness tips. Yes they may call me bag lady but I’m usually prepared.
Some things that I carry at all times
- Good quality training clothes- Comfortable and breathable fitness attire is a must to have on you. Always have a pair of sneakers in car and 2 pairs of socks. Why 2 pairs you ask? Because then there is no excuse for not working out in less than perfect outdoor conditions. Most likely after wearing the socks you'll forget to replace that pair you end up wearing when you head home after a tough workout .
- Big bag with many big and small functional pockets- If you’re like me, you do a million errands before and after the gym. There are many colorful and fashionable bags that have space for not just gym stuff but iPads, phones etc.. The best ones have lots of different size pockets. These keep things separate from shoes and other not so clean things. I keep the small pockets for my earphones, Chap Stick, and locker lock.
- Face wipes or Stridex- After a sweaty gym session it really important to clean your face of any sweat or dirt. Having these items on hand will allow you to feel fresh and get on with your day without wasting any time.
- Beauty products and moisturizer- in a small makeup bag is a must if you need to head back to work. I save money with travel size containers of favorite brands you’d normally use for plane travel. Or you can buy the mini versions of new products that you've wanted to try instead of buying the big version.
- Mesh laundry or undergarment dryer bag- Use a size of your choice for things you want to be able to breathe. Examples are things like heart rate monitor straps after a cardio session or socks.
- Downsize your supplements- I save containers of my pre-workouts or BCAAs like CORE ABC or CORE Fury. When I’m done with these products I’ll put a couple servings worth if needed. Another way to not take a lot of room in your bag or car is put 1 scoop of protein in a small Tupperware. With only a couple of tablespoons of water mixed it make an easy yummy protein pudding.
- Shaker Bottle- It can hold all of your pre and post workout drinks without clumpy unmixed supplements I use the Core Nutritionals shaker bottle.
- A Towel - Roll a small towel or wash cloth and put it in your bag. Eliminate germs with your hand sanitizer and towel after using equipment and dumbbells
- Tooth Brush-a not a necessary gym accessory but handy to have a something to complete your on the go busy lifestyle. Way too many times I’ve walked around running errands with big green veggies between teeth. With that being said a tooth brush cover is always good. You’ll remember this after your toothbrush has been loose in your bag for a few days.
- Little Cooler- Sometimes I will pack a bag frozen green beans or frozen bell pepper strips in my mini cooler. They will keep other foods cold but will be a nice cool treat if defrosted by end of day. Or you might like them semi frozen on a summer day.
- Plastic or reusable utensils- These will come in handy! Next time when you are at a fast food joint or rest stop make sure you take a couple extra napkins, extra spoons or fork and stick them in sip lock bag in your glove compartment or cooler. It’s never fun if you have to eat with whatever you find in the back seat.
- Clip on timer- Not everybody has a yoga mat in the back of car. But if you like circuits, HIIT training, Tabata, or interval training a small timer may be worth throwing in one of your small gym bag pockets. Timers like Gymboss are small and easy to use.
- A light speed jump rope- tucked away in your gym bag makes for a convenient “take anywhere” sweaty cardio workout.
- A phone charger- I usually use mine in the locker room while getting changed. A car charger is always convenient as I use my phone for long cardio sessions and for fitness classes I teach. Let's face it, working out can be a little stale without music.
- Water- I keep a least a gallon or so of water in my car to pour into my water bottle or shaker cup.
- Workout log or small note pad- I carry a tiny notepad of workouts or circuits I've made up for a quick workout. So there is no wasted time for brain stalling or waiting around trying to figure out what you are going to do.
- Folder- If you aren't a personal trainer, or someone who doesn't like to create your own workouts cut workouts out from your old magazines before you throw them out. You could also print out a couple from your favorite training sites and just simply file them in folder for easy no brain quick workouts. I usually also donate my old fitness magazines to the local gyms as I feel bad throwing out all that useful information and motivation.
- A simple baseball cap- Don't have time to restyle hair? Guy or girl this look is always in style and saves a lot of bad hair days.
- Sunscreen- A travel size sun block will allow you to fit in a spur of the moment outdoor work out without fear of becoming a lobster and damaging your skin. Wrinkles are not
- Extra hair ties or elastics- The women out there know that it is most inconvenient to have your one hair elastic snap and then you have the obstacle of hair in your face the whole workout or even worst used as an excuse not to do the work out at all.
With these items and tips I find it much easier to stay on track and accomplish all my fitness goals. If there is a will there is a way and in my eyes there is no excuse not to life a healthy lifestyle.
“The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.”
― Juma Ikangaa