Competition season has begun. I remember this time last year I was half way through my first ever bikini prep. This week I wanted to update everyone on my current goals, and why you won’t see me on the stage this year.
After competing in my first two bikini competitions last year I was very pleased with how I placed. As I reflected on my competitions, I assessed what it was going to take to further my physique. I knew I wanted to go far in this sport and reach the highest level as I could naturally. I knew deep inside that I should take two years off from the stage to make the progress I needed.
It has been a struggle for me though; I’m not going to lie. I do miss being lean and having abs- especially with summer time approaching. I see others on social media prepping for competitions and I do have to say I find myself a little envious of them. Getting ready for a competition does often bring more attention to an athlete in this industry. Opportunities come your way like sponsorships and photo-shoots. But I did get into this sport at an early age so I’m learning to stay patient and enjoy the process.
A phrase made popular by our CEO, Doug Miller that often comes to mind is- “There is no offseason.” In my eyes I’m still in competition prep, 60 weeks out. This part of my prep is the most important in my opinion. Now is the time I need to focus on improving myself as well as helping other athletes seeking help. It’s the time to eat more so I can grow muscle and work on my weak points. The time to get stronger and raise the weight in all my lifts. Yes, some additional body fat will be put on during this phase of my prep but I can accept that. As much as I love being lean I equally love training. With the surplus of calories I’m able to push more weight and have amazing workouts, and allow for optimal progress. I have plenty of energy to CRUSH IT every gym session.
A six-month “offseason” is not enough time in my opinion to gain enough muscle to one day be on the Olympia stage, which is my goal. If I were to compete this year I probably would have a chance to win my pro card, but I want to be better than that. I will on the Olympia stage one day. This isn’t said to be cocky; but is said with the confidence and champion mindset I feel is necessary to reach such long-term goals. This extra year off will do nothing but benefit me, and 2017 will be my year!