Team Core Nutritionals continues to CRUSH IT and closes out the 2014 competition by making big waves in the bodybuilding world!
Earlier this year, Chris Nsubuga (pro heavyweight) and Marshall Johnson (pro lightweight) both won their classes at the WNBF Muscle Mayhem. Chris also took home the overall title.
The 2014 IFPA Gaspari Classic saw Core Nutritionals’ President and CEO, Doug Miller, return to the competition stage after a 5 year hiatus to take home the pro heavyweight title and also the overall pro title. Marshall Johnson also took a close second place in the pro lightweight class of this same show.
Here goes gallery
We also saw Doug Miller have a huge 1st place (pro middleweight) win at the 2014 Core Nutritionals’ IFPA Yorton Cup World Championships. Marshall Johnson again made team Core Nutritionals proud with another 1st place pro lightweight title and battled it out with Doug in the overall at the World Championships. Doug once again took home the overall pro title in this awesome battle.
Most recently, Chris Nsubuga took home first place (pro heavyweight) at the WNBF Worlds and Doug Miller once again CRUSHED IT with winning the 2014 NPC Jay Cutler Baltimore Classic (light heavyweight and overall).
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Also, check out Doug’s cover and story with competition pics in the November 2014 issue of Natural Mag!
We’d like to thank everyone for their hard work, support of our athletes, our brand, and look forward to another awesome year coming in 2015!